Fire Insurance - AYA SOMPO Insurance

Fire Insurance

Protect properties and assets against unexpected losses due to fire and natural disasters

Fire Insurance protects your business and property when there is a risk of damage due to fire or natural disaster. It is vital for protection against loss or damage caused by fire, explosions and other risks. 
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Fire/Accidental Fire

Coverage for total and partial loss or damage caused by fire and accidental fire.

Explosions Coverage
Coverage for total or partial loss and damage caused by domestic gas explosion.
Contagious Fire
Coverage for total and partial loss or damage caused by contagious fire.
Lightning Strike
Coverage for total and partial loss or damage caused by lightning.
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Aircraft Damage
Coverage for loss or damage and fire caused by aircraft and other aerial devices

Impact Damage
Coverage for loss or damage caused to property from the impact of vehicles (excluding own vehicle)

Subsidence and Landslide
Coverage for loss or damage caused by subsidence and/or heave of the site on which the building/s stand

Storm, Tempest
Coverage for loss or damage and fire caused by Hurricane, Cyclone, Typhoon and Windstorm

Coverage for loss or damage and fire caused by an explosion

Coverage for loss or damage caused by theft following forcible and violent entry

Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption
Coverage for loss or damage caused by fire following earthquake and volcanic eruptions

Flood and Inundation
Coverage for loss or damage caused by fire following flood and inundation

Spontaneous Combustion
Coverage for loss or damage to the property insured by fire only caused by its own spontaneous fermentation, heating, or combustion

*Additional benefits are applicable with additional or extra premium charges.
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No Claim Bonus
No Claim Bonus of up to 25% of the total premium will be offered based on less premium amount

24-Hour Emergency Claim Service
Contact for services from our 24/7 support team in the event of any arising emergency and/or claim

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Any person who has insurable interest (i.e., who owns a property or who has a legal obligation over safety of a property).

For coverage of all items in the premises, see below:

  • Building
  • Machinery
  • Furniture, Fixture And Fitting
  • Stocks
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Premium Rating

0.13% to 3.5% on sum insured (Property Value)

Subject to:

  • Construction type and building condition
  • Situation and/or location of the building
  • Occupancy of the building

Policy Term

  • Maximum policy term 1 year (renewable on a yearly basis) 

      Minimum policy term up to 10 days 

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What documents are needed for fire insurance?

A. Building 
  • Completed Proposal Form 
  • Complete Checklist Items Submission 
  • Detailed List of Furniture, Fittings, Assets, and Machinery
  • Copy of Invoice (or) Contract (or) Purchase Order (or) Lease
  • Copy of Owner Certificate (or) Rental Contract 
  • Copy of NRC (for individual) 
  • Copy of Company Registration & Dominant Shareholder Information (For Company) 
    B. Stocks
  • Completed Proposal Form 
  • Complete Checklist Items Submission 
  • Detailed Stock List 
  • Ledger 
  • Copy of NRC (for individual) 
  • Copy of Company Registration & Dominant Shareholder Information (For Company) 
  • How much is the premium for 1 year?

    Based on the building’s class, occupation and surrounding, the premium rate may vary from 0.35 % to 3.50 %. To get the exact premium amount, the proposed building will be checked by surveyors to calculate the premium rate. Premium must be paid by lump sum before policy inception.

    What should I do if I want to change building occupancy, owner name, etc?

    You should contact AYA SOMPO Customer Service – 09 777 100 555 or respective sale staffs for endorsement. You would need to fill in the endorsement form and provide require documents. The refund or additional premium will be charged depends on your changes. 

    What are the fire insurance coverage?

    Fire insurance basic covers:
    i. Fire & Lightning
    ii. Accidental Fire
    iii. Domestic Gas Explosion

    What are the fire insurance additional coverage?

    Customer can purchase additional covers alongside basic fire cover.  Additional covers are as follows:
    i. Riot fire , Strike damage including fire and malicious damage (premium payable 0.06 % on total coverage amount)
    ii. Aircraft Damage ( premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)
    iii. Impact Damage ( premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)
    iv. Subsidence and landslide (premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)
    v. Earthquake fire, fire and shock damage caused by earthquake (premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)
    vi. Explosion (premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)
    vii. Spontaneous Combustion ( premium payable 0.08 % on total coverage amount)
    viii. Various Storms (i.e., Typhoon, Hurricane, Tempest, etc.) (premium payable 0.20% - 0.25 % on total coverage amount)
    ix. Flood and Inundation (premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)
    x. Burglary (premium payable 0.25% – 0.75 % on total coverage amount)
    xi. War Risk (premium payable 0.10 % on total coverage amount)

    What should I do if I want to cancel my policy?

    You should contact AYA SOMPO Customer Service – 09 777 100 555 or respective sale staffs for cancellation process. You would need to fill in the cancellation form. The premium will be refunded depends on remaining insurance period.

    Digital Services

    Easy for you to access your insurance policy via our digital platform

    Key benefits

    Extensive Variety

    Fire Insurance policy comes as various additional coverages that can be purchased by a policyholder by paying an extra amount of premium. On the premise of the necessities, Aircraft Damage, Impact Damage, Subsidence and landslide, Earthquake Fire and Earthquake Shock, Explosion, Spontaneous Combustion, Storm, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tempest, Cyclone, Flood and Inundation, Burglary, Riot, Strick, Malicious Damage and War Risk can be availed as add-on coverages which makes it a unique product to others.

    Quick Premium Payment

    Choosing from a range of options, you can now make online payment quickly and effortlessly. Pay your premium digitally, or make payments by cash at our physical locations and get your policy within one week. It is comfort, safety and available 24/7 services.

    Door to Door Service

    Safety of our customers will always be our first priority. We are now committed to provide the most secured and convenient services to fulfill the needs of our customers. With our door to door service, you will experience a more streamlined experience.

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