Personal Accident Insurance


Protects individual against unexpected loss caused by injury, total permanent disabilities and death due to accident

Provide coverage against accidental injuries and to reduce financial burden from unfortunate incidents
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Death due to accident
Total sum insured* amount of MMK 500,000 to MMK 20,000,000 will be paid as lump sum to the beneficiary
Permanent Disability

Total sum insured amount will be paid as lump sum to the beneficiary

Sum Insured* = Total Coverage Amount

Injury / Loss of Limbs
The benefits calculation depends on Doctor’s Recommendation
Hospitalization / Not able to work
3% of amount of total coverage per week up to maximum 15% of sum insured
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Anyone who is the age between 16 to 65 years old can take coverage for this policy

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Premium Rating
Approximately 1% on sum insured
Subject to:
Nature of Occupation

Policy Term

  • Maximum policy term 1 year (Renewable on a yearly basis)
  • Minimum policy term – 3 months and 6 months are applicable.
  • Premium must be paid by lump sum.
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  • Intentionally self-inflicted injury
  • Death, permanent disability, injury due to intoxicating drugs
  • Permanent disability, death due to disease
  • Protest, War risk, War like terrorism
  • Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion, Civil Unrest, Military or usurped power.
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What documents are needed for Personal Accident insurance?​

  • Completed Proposal form 
  • Complete Checklist Items Submission
  • Copy of NRC (for individual) 
  • Copy of company registration & Dominant shareholder information (For Company)
  • What is the premium rating for personal accident insurance?

    The premium rating is depended on
    i. Sum Insured Amount
    ii. Nature of Work
    iii. Policy Term

    Digital Services

    Easy for you to access your insurance policy via our digital platform

    Key benefits

    Hassle-free Documentation

    After you buy a Personal Accident Insurance with us, you don't have to sweat it out when it comes to the documentation process. Because of our strong belief in customer satisfaction, we go through a smooth process of documentation in place that is completely hassle-free. MY AYASOMPO Policy Checker is also available to check your policy in an easy way. We take care of everything, just ready to help you.

    Hassle-free Claims

    Enjoy our hassle-free process when making personal accident claims. Fast and reliable claims give you a sense of calm to focus on your recovery.

    Quick Premium Payment

    Choosing from a range of options, you can now make online payment quickly and effortlessly. Pay your premium digitally, or make payments by cash at our physical locations and get your policy within one week. It is comfort, safety and available 24/7 services.

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