On 18th June 2020, AYA SOMPO Insurance and Strategy First University – SFU signed a partnership agreement as Learning and Development Partnership Signing Ceremony.
The ceremony was attended by U Myo Min Thu, CEO of AYA SOMPO Insurance, Mr. Keiji Okada, COO of AYA SOMPO Insurance and U Aung Chit Khin, Founder and President of Strategy First University and the responsible personnel. The partnership between AYA SOMPO Insurance and Strategy First University brings together the company’s human resources and development activities, enhancing individual’s strengths, leadership and collaboration skills.
In addition, AYA SOMPO Insurance not only provides insurance services but also actively contributes to Myanmar’s social and economic development. Moreover, in partnership with Strategy First University, AYA SOMPO Insurance will create internship programs for undergraduate students and job opportunities for full-time employment and will seek to raise awareness of insurance knowledge among the public.
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