E-Claim - AYA SOMPO Insurance


Claims solutions that go beyond, anywhere, anytime.
Conveniently submit policy claims online.

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Motor Vehicle Insurance

AYA Health Insurance

Travel Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance

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 1.Connect with AYA SOMPO Claims

Contact AYA SOMPO Claim Hotline +959777100999 (or)
Chat with us or our Chatbot through Facebook Messenger or Viber Chatbot to submit your claim (or)

Directly submit your claim together with any documents through AYA SOMPO Insurance | Your Partner for Life

2.Begin Claim Survey Process

After the claim is reported, it will be investigated by our surveyor to determine the loss or damage covered by the insurance policy. The survey process will be conducted via telephone or on-site inspection.

Our Surveyor will identify any liable parties, with the customer fully cooperating by providing any information or other parties’ contact details (i.e., recovery from Third-Party, making the decision at police station, etc.).

3.Start Claim Assessment Process

The Assessor will contact you for the repair process and to provide, if any, other relevant information.
If you choose to repair at an AYA SOMPO AUTHORIZED workshop, find the nearest or your preferred location through this link: https://ayasompo.com/authorised-workshops (or)
If you choose to go to YOUR preferred workshop, you must provide workshop quotations regarding the amount and/or scope of repairs/parts BEFORE confirming with the workshop. This is to protect you from unilateral decision financial loss.

After selecting your workshop of choice, our Workshop Technician will assist to generate repair quotation.

Claim assessment and repair approval timeline will take time depending on the accident situation and quotation details on the scope of work and amount.

We will inform you of repair confirmation and our workshop will contact you after repair is finished.
You are to fulfil documentation at the workshop to complete your claim.

4.Arrange for Claim Payment

If the car repair has been completed at an AYA SOMPO AUTHORIZED workshop, the customer does not need to have payment arranged. Necessarily you have to complete repair satisfaction letter at workshop.

If the car repair has been completed at YOUR preferred workshop, you must submit repaired photos, invoices, and detailed bank account information to AYA SOMPO Claims to complete your claim payment. Submit all this information to: 

Payment remittance will be processed as soon as all information received from the customer is checked and verified.

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1.Connect with AYA SOMPO Claims

Contact to AYA SOMPO Claim Hotline +959777100999 (or)
Chat with our Facebook Messenger/Viber Chatbot to submit your claim (or)
Explore AYA SOMPO website for E-Claim Options at https://ayasompo.com/eclaim-form/. Call Customer Service Hotline +959777100555 if you require any assistance.

Prepare and provide accident information and/or any photos/videos that help explain the circumstances behind the claim.

2.Begin Claim Survey Process

After the claim report, we will assign our Surveyor or a Third-party Loss Adjuster to investigate the loss or damages covered by your insurance policy. The survey process will be conducted via telephone or on-site inspection.
Our Surveyor or a Third-Party Loss Adjuster will identify any liable parties, with the customer fully cooperating by providing any information or other parties’ contact details (i.e., recovery from Third-Party, making the decision at police station, etc.).

3.Start Claim Assessment Process

The Assessor will contact you to assist with the claim process and to provide, if any, other relevant information.
The customer must provide necessary information for the cause of the loss, such as a report from the Fire Brigade, and/or Police Recommendation Letter, and/or Ward or Industrial Zone Recommendation Letter.

If there is a loss of buildings, you must provide a list of renovation costs. For loss of stocks or good, you must provide the actual stock list with the price of stocks or good before the event of the loss.

We will be adjusting and negotiating with you for your proposed amount and/or the Third-party Loss Adjuster’s reported amount.
After the claim amount is agreed upon, we will proceed for the claim acceptance documentation to complete your claim.

4.Arrange for Claim Payment

You must provide your detailed bank account information to AYA SOMPO Claims to complete your claim payment. Submit all this information to: claimadmin@ayasompo.com
Payment remittance will be processed as soon as all information received from the customer is checked and verified.

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1.Connect with AYA SOMPO Claims

Contact to AYA SOMPO Claim Hotline +959777100999 (or)
Chat with our Facebook Messenger/Viber Chatbot to submit your claim (or)
Explore AYA SOMPO website for E-Claim Options at https://ayasompo.com/eclaim-form/. Call Customer Service Hotline +959777100555 if you require any assistance.

2.Start Claim Assessment Process

Our assessor will contact you to assist with the claim process and to provide other necessary information.
The customer must provide necessary documents and information for the Health Insurance.
We will inform you to your Health Insurance covered and amount.
You must fulfil some documentation for the Health claim.

3.Arrange for Claim Payment

You must provide your detailed bank account information to AYA SOMPO Claims to complete your claim payment. Submit all this information to: claimadmin@ayasompo.com.
Payment remittance will be processed as soon as all information received from the customer is checked and verified.

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What should we do if an accident occurs?

If an injury occurs, you can contact AYA SOMPO Insurance Claim Hotline -09 777 100 999 at anytime, and you can also submit your claim through https://ayasompo.com/eclaim-form/ for compensation services.

What documents are required for claim submission?

It depends on the complexity of the accident. For a typical claim case, the following documents are required for claim submission.
1. Claim notification letter describing the accident situation
2. Duly completed claim form
3. Police recommendation letter (for theft claim)
4. Delegation letter (if the claimant is not the insured himself/herself)
Furthermore, you should cooperate with our surveyor while inspecting your damaged vehicles.

When can we seek claim compensation after an accident occurs?

The policyholder must inform the insurance company within 7 days from the accident date. Otherwise, it will be invalid to get claim compensation.

How many number of times are granted for claim compensation?

There is no limit to the number of times for claim compensation but depending on the number of times you have requested compensation and the case history you have submitted; the underwriting team can reject for renewal process.

Do you provide 24/7 claim service?

Yes, we are providing 24/7 claim service. You can contact AYA SOMPO Insurance Claim Hotline -09 777 100 999 at anytime, and you can also submit your claim through https://ayasompo.com/eclaim-form/ for compensation services.
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Claim Recovery

If the customer did not cause the accident involving a Third-Party, the insurance company may recover the claim amount paid to the insured customer from the liable party through subrogation.


The assignment to an insurer by terms of the policy or by law, after payment of a loss, of the rights of the insured to recover the amount of the loss from one legally liable for it.

The subrogation clause is present in all insurance policies.
The insurer has the right to sue the Third-Party after paying off the amount claimed by the insured.

Nil Excess Coverage

Depending on your policy coverage and claim requirements, having nil excess coverage means you do not need to pay in advance or additional payments when making a claim. Please review nil excess indicated in your policy schedule.

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