AYA SOMPO Insurance provides comprehensive motor insurance to prevent losses due to mishaps to your vehicle. But we don’t just stop there. AYA SOMPO gives you our Authorized Workshops to make sure you and your vehicle get the best service.
With AYA SOMPO’s nationwide network of Authorized Workshops, policyholders may get their vehicles serviced without the need to pay cash!
Our AYA SOMPO Authorized Workshops are available nationwide in the main cities of Yangon, Mandalay, Naypyidaw, Meikhtila, Pyin Oo Lwin, Monywa, and Myawaddy. Find the nearest AYA SOMPO Authorized Workshop to your location by visiting https://ayasompo.com/my/authorised-workshops/
AYA SOMPO Insurance – Your Partner for Life
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