To welcome our new Insurance Solutions Advisors (ISAs), Kickstart your Career with AYA SOMPO Event was held at AYA SOMPO Head Office on 30th May, 2023. This event was our way of enhancing our partners’ network and growing sustainable and profitable business from new Insurance Solutions Advisors (ISAs).
The highlights of the event included words of Welcoming Speech from our Chief Executive Officer to new ISAs, Introductory Speech by our Chief Operating Officer, Explanation on Agent Journey with AYA SOMPO by Head of Agency Development and Thank You Speech by our Director of Business Division.
The enjoyable evening was followed by networking amongst our partners and AYA SOMPO’s Management team and group photo sessions and was hyped up with exciting giveaways from the CiRCLE to our attending guests. Our Agency Team will also keep in touch with our partners for continuous engagement and performance evaluation so that our Advisors can continuously improve and step up to the next level of professional development.
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